Alexandr Ryss Apps

Pressure_Info. 3.0.0
Alexandr Ryss
1. App Pressure_Info serves to quicklyobtain,store andshow the magnitude of atmospheric pressure. Thisapplicationdisplaysthe atmospheric pressure or in mm Hg , or Bar . There is theabilitytomemorize and display not only atmospheric pressure, butalsoanadditional 4 parameters. For example, you can rememberthe value of atmospheric pressure in some time, andadditionallyrecordblood pressure, pulse, condition of health, etc. at this sametimeandthen to analyze the effect of atmospheric pressure on health.2. For this application, you need to on a smartphone wereintegratedwithappropriate sensor atmospheric pressure. If sensor not, thenonthemain screen will form the message " Sensor no".3. Atmospheric pressure is defined for 2 ranges by the user:- Range mm Hg - 700...800.- Range Bar - 930 1030...;The user can work with any pressure range and switch them outwhenheneeds. However, for the memory and graphics display, the usermustusealways one range that was in operation during the firstdatasaving.4. The user can perform writing of parameters as many times asitisnecessary through any period of time. It should be rememberedthatinthe memory space that is allocated to 999 records.5. The app was tested on Samsung smartphones,PhilipsrunningAndroid5.0 and Android 6.0.The application requires a smartphone withascreenmore than 5 inches and a resolution not less than 1920*1080During the development of this application were used thematerialsof the Embarcadero company.Enjoj.Copyright Dr.-eng. Alexandr Ryss. Moscow. [email protected]